
Liyuan Seafood Restaurant

Updated: July 28, 2023
Large Medium Small

Open Hours: 08:00-14:30;17:00-21:00

Contact Number: 0756-8117821, 0756-8874486

Address: No 42 Guihua North Road, Gongbei, Zhuhai 

The Liyuan Catering Group was established in 1973, and the Liyuan Seafood Restaurant in Zhuhai has a history of more than 20 years. The restaurant is famous for seafood, soup, abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, fish maw and a variety of exquisite specialty dishes. The restaurant has stuck to local cuisine for years, and no matter how the market price rises, the portion of dishes remains large, attracting many middle-aged and elderly people as loyal fans.