
Zhuhai Party chief urges Xiangzhou to pursue high-quality development Updated: September 15, 2023
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Chen Yong, Party secretary of Zhuhai, visited several industrial parks and enterprises in Zhuhai's Xiangzhou district on Sept 12, highlighting the importance of high-quality development.


Chen Yong (L3), Party secretary of Zhuhai, visits several industrial parks and enterprises in Zhuhai's Xiangzhou district. [Photo provided to]

At Sanxi Technology & Innovation Town, Chen was introduced to the town's future construction and project plans. After a tour, he noted that in order to attract more high-quality enterprises to settle here, the town should focus on improving several aspects, including land use efficiency, services, and supporting facilities.

At Gree Electric Appliances, Chen met with its Chairwoman Dong Mingzhu and carried out a deep exchange on Gree's core products, patented technologies and market sales. He encouraged Gree to fully embrace its role as an innovative enterprise and concentrate on key and core technologies to achieve greater breakthroughs in new areas.

Chen also visited Titans New Power, where he stressed that Xiangzhou should focus on attracting high-level talents in order to meet the needs of its enterprises.

At a symposium that was held during his visit, Chen put forward that Xiangzhou is a central urban area of Zhuhai that is pivotal to the city's development. He urged that the district establish an international perspective, seize development opportunities, and attract more investments and major projects related to advantageous industries.

He also stressed the importance of continuously optimizing the business environment for its private enterprises. By implementing policies to stabilize private enterprises and helping them solve practical difficulties, the district will achieve high-quality development.

In addition, the district should put special emphasis on ensuring safety by carrying out inspections and rectifying safety hazards.