
Xiangzhou's investment competitiveness is on the rise Updated: December 12, 2023
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The prosperous Xiangzhou district. [Photo/WeChat account: zhxiangzhou]

Zhuhai's Xiangzhou district ranked 29th among the nation's top 100 districts in investment competitiveness, rising one place compared to that of last year. This was released by CCID Consulting, a market research firm, on Dec 6.

Guangdong province has a total of 19 districts on this year's list.

More than 900 municipal districts on the Chinese mainland were evaluated in six primary indicators, including government services, openness, infrastructure, industrial vitality and talent attraction. Another 20 secondary indicators were also taken into consideration.

Xiangzhou district is the main urban area of Zhuhai, and it plays a crucial role in the city's overall development. In the first three quarters of this year, Xiangzhou achieved a regional GDP of 131.83 billion yuan ($18.37 billion), a year-on-year growth of 5.5 percent.

From January to October, the district achieved a cumulative value-added industrial output of 41.67 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 7.5 percent. Additionally, its industrial investment grew by 20.4 percent.

In recent years, Xiangzhou has fully utilized its advantageous resources to build three strategic clusters for its high-end manufacturing, innovation and entrepreneurship, and modern services sectors.